Monday, August 3, 2009

Big Changes!

Hello Everyone!
We made it to Kennewick and life is good! We've had some big changes in our little world.

Today we found out that Britton got a job as an Estimator for A & B Asphault here in the Tri-Cities. He starts tomorrow and he is so excited (as am I!)

Jake started eating solids! He's had rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, carrots, and diluted apple juice.
Which means: his poop is now nasty but he's been sleeping through the night (which I think can be mainly attributed to him being far enough away that we don't hear him every time he cries.

Jake is sitting up! I should have put pictures of that in the collage but I haven't taken any yet. Next post.

And my own big changes haven't come yet...nursing school starts August 24!!

We miss all of our Rexburg friends...pllleeeease keep in touch!
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Sam said...

Wow! So many changes. Sleeping through the night, getting a real job that starts right away and nursing school. Congratulations. We'll miss you guys. I hope the move went well and that you enjoyed your time in the 81st ward.

Nate and Erin Russell said...

yay for life moving on! by the way, that sippy cup jake has is the worst. we have one too and the vent thing gets plugged by their nose and it goes funky. i'm excited jake is doing good and sleeping amazingly!

Michelle said...

Well I'm not a Rexburg friend, but I still miss you! I'm so glad Jake is sleeping through the night! Its probably because he knows he's in his Aunt Michelle's room and it makes him feel safe and happy. Kiss those chubby cheeks for me!!

Brenda K. said...

You need to send me the farewell pic. Jake is sitting up! I want to see it. Cute Jakey Jake. I want to hear how Britton likes his job soon. Congrats again!

The Oswalds said...

Oh my heck, I haven't had a computer for a while to keep updated with you guys!! Looks like you have been busy, congrats on all the BIG NEWS!!