Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Chemistry Professor

I know you're all curious to see Professor Sargeant. Don't worry, Ryan is still hilarious and crazy. He showed plenty of funny You-Tube videos and blew up hydrogen balloons in class, as well as lighting a tie on fire. It was a lot of fun to be in his class, despite how incredibly hard his tests were. Look at the stuff behind his head on the board. I don't know how I got an A in that class.


wind runner said...

Wow Lisa! I am so impressed! And I really am glad to see a picture of Ryan. Tell him I said hello and he looks great! GOOD JOB!

Michelle said...

I know why you got an A. Because you studied for hours and hours and hours! You even gave up Anne of Green Gables for that class, so I expected at least a 95%. He looks all grown up and its kinda weird. By the way, since when do you have all of these posts? I stopped checking your sight a while ago, so this was very exciting.

Yankee Haffners said...

Hey Lisa - this is Eric, not Lesley who usually does the blogging. It's been a while since I've looked at your blog so it was fun to go through the different posts. I am sure that Ryan was a lot of fun to have as a teacher and I wish I could see him in action myself. I still remember a couple of years after knowing him finding out that he was extremely intelligent - I had always thought he was just crazy! Keep up the good work and I'm glad that you are enjoying BYU-Idaho.