Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This is my new favorite picture of Jake, taken courtesy of my sister Jamie on her cell phone.

Jake is creeping up on 15 months. I can't believe how fast time is going with this little boy. I truly do love this kid more than I ever knew was possible! He's such a character. He constantly talks in his little jibberish language, and he says it like he knows it and he's the boss.
Jake is starting to be able to play outside for the first time in his life. While we were in Rexburg he was just too little, and when we got to Kennewick all he could do was sit in the grass. Now that he's walking and it's starting to warm up (a little ) we go outside whenever we can! He loves picking up rocks and just seeing what he can see. He constantly falls on the uneven surface of the grass or pebble-y cement driveway but he just hops back up like it's nothing!
I love every day I spend with Jake. I'm so glad to be his Mommy!


Nate and Erin Russell said...

Super cute!!! What would we do without camera phones? So many of my favorite pictures of Rach are from our phones.

Jennifer said...

Jake is so lucky to have a mom who loves him so much, and even more than that, one who will take him outside! Lots of moms just plot their toddlers in front of the tv, so good for you. Jake is so gorgeous--how could you not be in love with him? I love seeing him every single Sunday.