Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Here's some pictures from the last couple of weeks. We're doing well here in Rexburg, Britton is happy that he can now say "I graduate next month!" (even though it's still like 2 months away). And I'm excited to start the nursing program in August! Anyways, enjoy!

Memorial Day with the Kradolfers. Jake wasn't too sure about the swimming pool, but Sophie had a blast once Jake got out (he was kind of kicking her). We had a super good BBQ too!

So, in our ward, pretty much all the babies born within 6 months before Jake were girls, so he has a lot of girlfriends. I don't think he was too thrilled to get his picture taken here though.

This is our little guy all ready to go to church. This past Sunday I think Britton and I spent a total of 5 minutes in the combined Priesthood/Relief Society meeting (we have church backwards) and then we were in the hallways the rest of the 3 hours. Jake's usually crying or enjoying the sound of his own voice very loudly when we're at church.

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