Christy's sister in law did this sketch for the funeral. When I picture Christy in my head, this is exactly what I see.
I met Christy when we were just entering Young Women's. Just little silly 12 year olds. We were both shy at first, but by the time we became Mia-Maids we realized we both had the same blunt, sarcastic sense of humor. We spent the majority of our teenage years of Sunday School sitting in her car. We'd eat snacks, laugh at people walking by, complain about school, and talk about whatever else teenage girls talk about. I went to Girls Camp with Christy at least 5 times. The last 3 years stick out the most. She even came back my last year to help out with camp when she was too old to go. I would not have survived without her! Oh, Christy is the best. I left Anderson right after high school, moved to Washington.
I cannot remember saying goodbye.
I came back to visit 2 years later, husband in tow. She was newly married as well. We talked in the hallway at church with our husbands. Giggling about the fact we were married.
I cannot remember saying goodbye.
A few years go by. She has 2 boys, I have 1.
This past January she starts posting things about doctor's appointments, very vague. I send her a message asking if she's ok, she writes back saying it's cancer. Christy? Cancer? No way. We chatted a few days later. I wish I had known it would be the last time. I would have told her how much her friendship meant to me. How happy she made me when I was having a hard time as a teenager. How I am thankful for all the pieces of gum she gave me. How Young Women's was a blast because of her. And how all those times sitting in her car ditching Sunday School will act as precious memories with her.
Christy passed away on February 12, leaving behind her husband and 2 baby boys.
At her funeral, a group of women, including almost everyone from our class in Young Women's, got up to sing Walk Tall. We sang that song standing around the campfire every night at Girls Camp. I don't know how many times I have linked arms with Christy and sang that song. I'm pretty sure it was written for her.
Right now I have a prayer deep within my heart,
A prayer for each of you there is a special part.
That you remember who you are and him who lives above.
Please seek for him and live his way; You'll feel his love.
Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.
Long before the time you can remember,
Our Father held you in his arms so tender.
Those loving arms released you as he sent you down to earth.
He said, "My child, I love you. Don't forget your great worth."
Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.
This life on earth we knew would not be easy.
At times we lose our way his path we may not see.
But remember always that you are not alone.
He'll take your hand, He loves you! He will guide you home.
Walk tall, you're a daughter, a child of God,
Be strong and remember who you are,
Try to understand, you're part of his great plan.
He's closer than you know, Reach up; he'll take your hand.
Christy, you are a daughter of God. I know you were called to the other side of the veil for a great, great purpose. You will be missed by so many, and you are loved by so many. Thank you for your smiles, your laughs, and all the memories I've shared with you. I love you.
*I am raising money for Christy's husband to buy a beautiful headstone for his wife. He and his boys will be visiting her grave for years to come, and I want it to be a place of beauty for them. Click on the donate button on the top right side of my blog to help out.