Sunday, June 15, 2008

Trip to Boise!

This weekend Britton and I drove to Boise to meet my parents and my 3 year old nephew Adam. Boise is about 1/2 way between Rexburg and the Tri-Cities, and I missed my family so they were nice enough to drive 4 1/2 hours to see us! It was fun. Friday we ate out at Red Robin (yum), and walked on a trail behind our hotel along the river. Or, "the ocean" according to Adam. Saturday we went to a couple of different parks until my allergies got so bad I couldn't stand it. The interesting story of the trip is the first park we went to. We noticed a bunch of tent canopy-thingies and a concert stage being set up in the park but we couldn't figure out what was going on. Then Britton noticed a bunch of rainbow flags. My Mom and I walked Gunther over to try and discreetly check out the quickly turn around and head back. It was some sort of gay-pride convention. Yikes. So anyways, here's some cute pictures...mainly of Adam because he's the was a lot of fun and good to see Mom and Dad and Adam (and Gunther, even though he whined the entire time).

This is the first park we went to. Adam really wanted to play in water, so we found a park with water. Britton had to get wet too in order to get Adam to play...what a good uncle :)

Adam enjoying the water...

King of the playground...

What a cute 3 year old!