Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Spring is finally here! It's wonderful to step outside our front door and not be met with a harsh slap in the face by a bitter cold wind. Funnily enough, the 80 degree weather is killing us, even though we both grew up in much hotter climates. It's interesting how our bodies acclimate to our surroundings.
We are enjoying our classes so far in this Spring Semester...Britton is loving his new major and getting A's on his tests. It's really exciting!

Yesterday, for FHE, we went with the Kradolfers to a driving range. It was a lot of fun, especially because Andre let us use his sweet clubs. (Britton's cost $40 at a yard sale a long time ago, some are even made out of wood) Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of Britton before the camera died. We need to loosen the purse strings and buy rechargeable batteries.

Andre and Brenda showing their stuff.

I don't think my leg work is correct. My left leg looks like I'm swinging a softball bat. No wonder my left knee hurts today.